
Kycio AB, värnar om din integritet och skyddar din personliga data på bästa möjliga sätt. Vi följer riktlinjer gällande GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) i vårt arbete och strävar efter att kontinuerligt säkerställa att behandlingen av personuppgifter sker säkert med din integritet i fokus. Denna policy klargör i vilken utsträckning och med vilken begränsning vi samlar in, bearbetar och lagrar personuppgifter. Nedan bifogad personuppgifts- och sekretesspolicy gäller tjänster som tillhandahålls genom denna webbtjänst och andra webbtjänster, API:er och plugins av Kycio AB, org nr. 559290-1416.

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Privacy Policy


Kycio AB, protects your personal privacy and aim to protect your personal data in the best way. We comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) in our business and work continuously to ensure that the processing of personal data is done safely with your privacy in focus. This policy clarifies to what extent and with what limitation we collect, process and store personal data.If you want to know more or have concerns about how we process personal information, you are most welcome to contact us at

1.1 Information we collect about you and why we collect it

We at Kycio AB collect, process and store personal information regarding our existing customers and our potential customers. Information that can be collected is, for example, name, address, company, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, chat or e-mail conversations, which web pages that are visited on any Kycio web site and invoice information.

The information collected from the registered users can be used for contact by email, improvement of the website, improvement of customer service, accounting and billing purposes.The data can also be used for business and method development, market analysis, statistics and risk management.

The information that is processed in order to develop and analyze the business is treated on the basis of our legitimate interest to develop the business and to communicate with our contacts.

The information can also be used for direct marketing, where the purpose is to develop the business and reach past or new customers where the legitimate interest is marketing purposes.

The processing of this information is based on your consent, in order for us to be able to fulfil our agreement with you, or when there is a requirement in law that we must process the personal data. In addition, there is a legitimate interest to process the personal data. The purpose and the legitimate interest in processing the personal data is to develop the business and to communicate with users. For potential customers (such as chat users), the legal basis is not consent instead, there is a legal basis because there is a legitimate interest in the treatment. The purpose and the legitimate interest in processing personal data is marketing, developing the business and communicating with potential customers. The information stored is necessary to reach potential customers.

We never sell your information to anyone else. We only store personal data for the time it is necessary for the purpose of the processing, which is as long as the customer relationship continues or a maximum of one year thereafter, or the time required by law.

1.2 Your rights

You have the right to request information from Kycio AB about the use of the personal data that concerns you. We will, at your request or on our own initiative, correct or delete any information that is inaccurate or limiting the processing of such information. In some cases, you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be limited. If you request that the processing of your information be limited, we may not be able to fullfil our possible obligations to you during the time the information is limited. However, the right to limitation does not apply if, for example, we are required by law to preserve the data.

It is important for us that the personal data we process is correct. Therefore, be aware that if you detect inaccuracies in your personal data, you should correct your information in the quickest way possible. The information in our register is updated continuously and if a correction is made by an authority we have the new tasks with us shortly, which means that the data is automatically corrected in our register. You also have the right to request that your information is not processed for direct marketing purposes. You also have the right to receive part of your personal data in a machine-readable format or, if technically possible, to have the information transferred to a third party that you designate. This right only covers information that you have shared with us yourself.

Please note that your rights above assume that we are personal data controllers. In the services we are a personal data assistant, we have no means of influencing your personal data and therefore recommend you contact the personal data controller who can help you. We also want to alert you that any changes to personal data that you carry out, such as, for example, address change, should be made as soon as possible to the relevant authority.

If you are dissatisfied with how we process personal data, you can file a complaint with a supervisory authority, which in Sweden is the Privacy Authority (Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten). If you have comments, complaints or suggestions for improvements, you are also welcome to contact us directly at

Personal data manager is Kycio AB, 559290-1416, Flyinge 1883, 247 93 Flyinge

1.3 How we protect personal data

Information security is of the essence to us. Roaring uses advanced technical, physical and personnel measures to safeguard all data against any accidental, unlawful or unauthorized use, access, loss, modification or disclosure.

1.4 How long do we retain data

We keep the data as long as it is used for the purposes which it is processed unless a longer period is required by law.

1.5 Changes in the personal privacy policy

We can update our privacy policy when needed. When the personal data policy changes, you see it by us changing the date of the policy “Last Revised Version”. The applicable personal data policy is always available on our web.

1.6 Questions and contact

If you have any question about this privacy policy or how we handle Personal Data you can contact us at